Saturday, May 7, 2011

Classroom Training

I loved the classes I taught - I created lessons for Casevac- Personnel Recovery- Hand Gernades- Claymores- Convoy- Field Sanitation. It was a time filled with research, study, practice, revision and pride. As I developed my classes, I discovered that I was really good at the areas I taught.

The tough part was the standing. Some of these classes needed to be presented in a lecture style. That meant class room set up, classroom clean up and an all day standing. It was difficult to get through it. The standing took a toll on me. I had to also deal with the physicality of my mission.

There was no way I was going to show weakness in front of these deploying soldiers. My team would always ask how I was doing and I would smile and say just great. Then I would take my medications and rest until the next days classes. This was repeated over and over until we eventually trained over 2,000 deploying soldiers.

It was a time of great pride and fulfillment. I was doing what I loved. Teaching, training and being part of a team. The damage to my back, knees, neck, arms and shoulders could wait. My medication gave me the ability to function. That was all I cared about.

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