Thursday, May 19, 2011

From the mouth of an abused female soldier

Maria A Cisneros, who suffered at the hand of these predators talks candidly about her PTSD: ( This is uncensored and reprinted as written with no correction to grammer, punctuation etc.)

…I decided to cover-up for this piece up for him because of my friendship that I developed with Avila through out my whole military experience. I was going to lie in the stand for her not for him, thanks to god the investigation never went that route. Avila left her belongings here with printed e-mails between her and fisrt sergeant Salinas so now there was evidence of the relationshipso I was happy I didn’t have to testify.
Hoping it would end there it didn’t , it just led to more hardship and more pointless inevstigations.I told investigators that I heard the rumors like everybody else but wasn’t aware of anything I was afraid to speak up and I just wanted it to be overInstead I get grilled about two hours and I started crying so I was released . Only to go a few days later and be investigated for my relationship with sergeant first class Selio.
Sick and tired and mad at this point I was informed that I had to atten a meeting LTC I can’t recall his name now but he was there to inform the people being accused of fratnazation they were to be sent to a camp where we have to provide our own security and have cold meals driven in if we didn’t conduct ourselfs as soldiers should.
Well I am really pist at this point, the new fist sergeant comes in and he notices that iam about to have a meltdown keep in mind Im the youngest one in the room nine-teen years old being accused of adultery adultery even though I had a very exposed relationship with my now husband kitt.
Somehow he believed me, and explained to me that he doesn’t want to have a bad experience in Iraq because I was so young.aww how sweet another fucken predator So he took me under his wing and trained me like my previous mentor John C. Selio. Fist sergent byrd created a Tac team.
Its purpose or so I thought was to take the commander and the first sergents to urgent meetings Fisrt sergent Byrd like he said he would took care of me he made me his drver and my husband a gunner. My husband is a automotive supply specialist but he was giving a gunner job on top of touret to be closer to me or atleast it seemed that way at first.
Spending many hours with my team we all got o know each other pretty well. I started noticing little changes in 1sgt byrd like I did in Gerardo Salinas. ‎. He started being to friendly and talking a lot about things we shouldn’t be talking about while He began to be rude remarks and walking into my room a lot without knocking. When I was in my husband’s room he would get angry and instruct me to sit up or get out of the room.
After persistently walking in on my boyfriend and I just hanging out it would irritate him like it use to iratate John c. Selio they couldn’t stand the thought that boyfriend had me and they had no chance in hell. banning all females from male barracks what a hater
My chain of cammand failed me, and now I am scared for life
specially for the 9/11 victims
thats y i joined and that's y I am leaving for those individuals
no the military itself as a whole
u know with the gays never hurt me
my chain of command did
new conflicts about gays in the military sarah minks u fucked up
I was the wrong latina to fuck with..."conservitive for the most part but outspoken still".-drizzy
i went to Iraq to make a difference not spread my legs and get pregnant, and distribute bastard children. iam still married becuz im not like any of you nasrt ass hoes easy free tru classic diirty hoes

try n hate on me ill slam your ass Now my friends, family and my soul are my only concern in life. FUCK u if had me, FUCK U IF u KNEW me cuz if u think I changed then u never knew me.there no degrees on u suckin dick brandy and her fat possy, if there was i'd be number one in it.

has all these young soldiers going emotional crazy. Iam in Love with him Iam nothing like them(major Eric Shayer, Lt Olsen, David winegar,Alvarez,”thedejesus”, Connie Avila, Salinas, Nikolaychuk, John Christopher Selio, Chadwick Byrd, Frank Camacho,, Sarah Minks SSG Pedro Covarrubias,) make false claims of promotions having loyal soldiers working endless hours and what happens to tthose soldiers they get passed for promotion becuz they are promoting people like ssg garmong that DONT DESRVE SHIT.

David winegar is a married man father of three and Mormon I was considerinfg dating this man until his wife called me and asked me if why was I leaving messeges on her hubby’s phone
I met spc alvarez when I first came to the unit, I had a little crush on him,

I explained that I just wanted to hook-up no strings attached he said that’s fine with him. We did other stuff but never sexual intercourse I found out about two months later in training that this piece of shit was married and had adopted children.

I think this man should come out of the closet like SFC rivera –klein and specialist rivera did
I met spc alvarez when I first came to the unit, I had a little crush on him,I explained that I just wanted to hook-up no strings attached he said that’s fine with him. We did other stuff but never sexual intercourse I found out about two months later in training that this piece of shit was married and had adopted children.

.”The dejesus”, fakest couple ever.
his wife was getting fucked by sgt gozales while he was deployed but he deserves it When I was in RSP which is training before going to basic training I had dreadfull experienced of meeting these assholes. Connie Avila, Salinas, Nikolaychuk, John Christopher Selio, Chadwick Byrd, Frank Camacho,SSG Pedro Covarrubias,) say what’s real… I feel like every one is playing a role. I always said I will tell the truth but with in due time. everbody talk everybody listens….and somehow the truth winds up missing

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