Wednesday, December 29, 2010

how do men rationalize the sentement

What happens in Iraq stays in Iraq.

Well not exactly.

There always comes a time when the stories start. You're sitting in a bar having a few drinks, laughing and telling stories. That's when someone lets their guard down. Someone forgets that, "THAT" story was not supposed to be retold.

All ears perk up, the laughter stops and everyone concentrates on the tale that is now unfolding. You listen, subliminally comparing the tale with what you knew. You compare the story with the rumors and that's when you realize, this story is true.

Then someone realizes that the story has not been told before. They listen to themselves telling the story, but they can't stop telling it because everyone is so into it. When the tale is told everyone goes back to drinking and laughing and pretty soon the mood returns to the group, but no one forgets the story.

The next day they are retelling the story with their friends. Everyone says,"I can't believe that" only to eagerly taking mental notes so they can retell the story - only they add a twist. The story they re-tell is mostly wrong, additionally it now has a few more flourishes and a little extra zip.

By this time the story makes it back to the person the story is about and they get pissed. "That's not what happened!" they proclaim. But it's too late. What happened in Iraq did not stay in Iraq.

The moral of this little tale?

If you don't want to hear about your own exploits through a third source, then check your integrity and make the moral decision that you can live with. If that means you can cheat on your husband, cheat on your wife, use women as clearing barrels, misuse your position for power and control, mistreat your soldiers, use your friends, make secret pacts, cover up for misguided acts, shoot defenseless animals, tell stories that are outright lies, steal money, or do what ever unethical immoral action you choose then by all means follow through.

Just know that everyone will eventually find out.

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