Friday, May 6, 2011

I wrote as book - So What?

This is the best way to sort out all the excess verbage (not a word I know). Just ask this one simple question - So What?
 For me the so what is  this: Lessons learned come at a heavy price. If my story will shed some light on issues surrounding men and women in combat then that's all I can hope for.

It's not about taking sides. It's not about the who that did it. It's about the bottom line. If you see the warning signs take heede. Don't just brush it off as a one time complaint. Take action. The fact of the matter is you are responsible for your brother or sister in arms.

Red flags are:

Multuple complaints regarding misconduct.
Females and males who are married acting like they are single when deployed.
Argueing during down time over "home" issues.
Unaccounted time away from group.
Soldiers being verbally counseled time and time again for the same issue.
Jealousy between team mates.

Take action. Nip it all in the bud. Put it in writing and set the tone for your team. Don't accept less than the highest moral standards for yourself and your team.

So What? Counter remarks such as -

What happens down range stays down range.
I'm just having fun - I don't mean any harm.
Stay out of my affairs.

Remind yourself, your soldiers and your team of the importance of maintaining the Army values - especially when down range. Keep families in the loop. Protect the sanctity of marriage by upholding your vows. Educate your soldiers, single or married about being a solid citizen, a responsible citizen. Support the hard right choice over the easy wrong.

Stand for the integrity, morals, values of an educated leader. Don't take the easy way out and bury your head in the sand and pretend nothing is happening.

So what? you decide.

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