Friday, March 18, 2011


I think behind every successful man is a woman who knows who she is. She loves her partner unconditionally and does not have a hidden agenda. She lifts her man up enabling him to reach his fullest potential because she is not threatened by his success. She measures her passion by his devotion to her. Her open honesty keeps him trusting her. She focuses her energy into making life as a couple complete. She is forging a life for them even through the hardest of days. She is steadfast and true. He can depend on her for unconditional love.

In this way they both have what they want. Someone who they can shower with love. So in love with each other that the honeymoon never ends. Planning surprises for each other that required personal time to make it happen.

Being enveloped in each others arms, aching to hear the words of endearment.  Bringing strength, dedication and commitment into the relationship so that it stands the test of time. Being able to call anytime, night or day to say I love you.

Anything less is tragic. That is why I feel for those who are deployed, lonely and have extramarital affairs. It is shallow. It is without merit. It is a filler for intimacy. It cannot give you depth of relationship. It is a now not later agenda that is self serving and pathetic.

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