Sunday, December 5, 2010

A review from Amazon on my book

This book is powerful and emotional. Having many female friends that have served this great country of ours, and hearing their personal stories I can completely relate to this book as it's written. At times I have doubted the authenticity of their personal experience. Horror stories about corruption, favoritism, sexual abuse, and out of control leadership just can't be true when speaking about our armed forces. It just can't be. However, as frightening and sad as it may be, this book matches experience shared many of our female service members. I am now sold on the fact that these things do happen, there is abuse, corruption, and something needs to be done to correct the system. It's almost as if having stripes on your shoulder is a get out of jail free card to be a predator, to be unaccountable, and to be a disgusting human being. All I can hope is that these stories will start to surface after being buried for so long. If this had happened to my daughter, I would only hope to find the cowards one day in a dark alley.

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