Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bad Things Happen - Why Not just acknowledge it and Move On?

I have received a few HATE emails from those depicted in my book. There have been anonymous posting to my web site. And Most recently an email from the female soldier who was the First Sergeant's Pet. She contacted me via face-book, in a private email message.  This is a direct quote from the email,<http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1473620135> "REALLY! YOU HAD NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN TO WRITE A BOOK ABOUT ME??? I'M GLAD I'M STILL IN YOUR MIND..."  followed by, "TAKE THE SSG OFF. YOUR NOT A SOLDIER AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :
Isn't it Ironic? If she had actually read the book she would have known it was not about her, it was about the actions of a few disturbed men. Actually I don't find her comments anything more than misinformed. She was gullible then and she remains so now.

According to her Face book page she is single - but according to her other links she is living with the dishonored Former First Sergeant with their bastard son. I do know that she must have had a really hard time balancing her loss of her war time lover with the birth of her illegitamite son.
She comes from a very strong heritage of Hispanic people. I am certain that her pregnacy while not being married upon her return home was a disgrace to her family.
But the harsh reality of it is that I really don't think she cared much about what her family was thinking because she was focused on pleasing her lover - at the cost of a strained relationship with her mother.
I do understand her feelings, and I do support her attempt to integrate back into the real world, alone, with no one to be by her side. No one to rely on. No one to help her.
And sadly enough she is still in the military - not a very fitting place for her. She was going to school to study for her degree in psychology, however, I do not know if she was able to meet the demands of a credentialed school program and the single parenting role of her new life.
She may think that I wrote a book about her, but really it was a book about the abuse of her. Abuse of her innocence, abuse of her nativity, abuse of her emotions and of her trust.I hope she finds what she needs in her life and that when she matures she will understand all that goes into being a mistree to a married man who has over 18 years invested in his marriage.

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